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Answers: Educational Psychology Questions related to Adolescence 05/01/2017

a) What do you understand by the term "Adolescence".
b) Identify and discuss the problems that adolescents face.
c) Suggest (Discuss) the ways to help adolescents in the problems that they face.
d) Roles as a teacher to teach adolescents.

           The word adolescents come from the Latin word ‘adolescence’ which means ‘to grow’.It is the period storm and stress of human life.It is very crucial period of one’s life.Which covers roughly from 12-18/19+ years.The most important fact about adolescence  is that it is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood.Transition from one period to another always associated with some problems.Adolescents is not an exception and it is also associated with some problems.

1.Sex problems
2.Emotional problems
3.Social problems                                                                                               
4.Educational problems
5.Problem leisure

The needs of the adolescents haveto be satisfied and their problems are to be realized in a proper way in order to help them in growing and developing properly.The task is serious and desires all dimensional efforts. Some of these efforts are mentioned.

1.     To have the proper knowledge of adolescents psychology.
                             Adolescents is the bridge between childhood and adulthood. The behavior of the adolescent and his personality needs a careful study.It is essentials to have the knowledge of the adolescent’s psychology in order to understand them.What are their specific needs?What type of changes do take place during this period?What are the problems faced by the adolescents?How should they be treated?All this is essential to be known by the parents’ teachers and administrators who have to deal with them.

2.      Providing suitable environment for proper growth.  
                     The growth stops at the end of adolescence after attaining maturity.Adolescents must be provided with balanced diet.Their eating habits should be properly checked up.They must be given knowledge of health,personal hygiene,cleanliness,various diseases and their prevention etc…to keep them fit for growing.

3.     Rendering proper sex education

Sex plays very dominant role at the age of adolescence.The rapid physiological changes,the secretion of sex hormones,the sudden awakening of sex instinct and urges all necessitate the provision of adequate sex information and education for adolescent.

4.     Proper dealing with adolescents.

Recent researches in the field of adolescent’s psychology have revealed that the adults,the parents,elders and the teachers and their unreasonable ways and points of view are the real problems of adolescence.They are in the habit of criticizing the adolescents and always impose their authority and assert their likings and disliking’s.They forget that there is a generation gap between them and adolescents. In dealing with them the parents and teachers should realize that the demands of their peer group are more important than their own expectation.Youths are more in need of models and not critics.The elders must give a deep consideration to adolescents needs and problems.it is futile to punish misbehavior.The root causes should be removed.

5.     Training of emotions and satisfaction of emotional needs.

 The age of adolescents is marked by too much intensity,force,instability and immaturity of emotions.Their emotions can be aroused with a slight provocation.Emotions should be properly trained and their emotional energies should diverted towards the constructive ends.
The adolescents suffer from some emotional hungers. They have a strong desire to love and to be loved.They need to be accepted by their age mates and every adolescent aspires that he should be admired and praised.

He needs that he should be given freedom to proceed in his own way and adopt his own style of life but on the other hand, needs protection,shelter and affection of the parents,elders and teachers.He becomes disturbed if he is not provided proper security and freedom from anxiety.The parents and teachers should take care of these needs of the adolescents.They must be given what they need in terms of their emotional requirements.

6.     To take care of the special interests of the adolescents.

The adolescent is the age of wide interests and aptitudes.A great care should be taken to locate the special interests and aptitudes of the adolescents.According to their interests and aptitudes they should be provided with learning experiences and opportunities for participation in co-curricular activities.The curriculum should provide the open choice for various subjects and activities according to the tastes and temperaments of the adolescents.

7.     Providing religious and moral education.

One of the causes of increasing restlessness,indiscipline,dishonesty,and aimlessness among the youth of India is that there is no proper provision of religious and moral education in our system of education.Actually the roots and the goals of the all the religions are one andthe same.If we try to do away with the rituals,the essence of all the religions is morality.Therefore it is the education for morality and character formation,which is to be provided by religious education and every school,home and other social agency can work in this direction.the parents,teachers,social workers and administrators should  join their hands in creating  suitable atmosphere and offering opportunities of practicing moral qualities.
          As mentioned earlier,adolescents have great attraction for ideals.Therefore,in the religious instruction provided to them,the emphasis should be shifted from the rituals to idealsReligious instruction and moral education can play a leading role in proper development of adolescents. But it should never be confined to a mere communication of knowledge about morals.moral habits are always caught from the environment.

8.     Provision for vocational education.

These is a strong desire of achieving independence in adolescents.Economic factors obstruct their way.Therefore,they are worried for acquiring self-sufficiency in economic aspect.
What occupation should they choose, how can they earn their livelihood are some questions,the answers of which they try to seek.Here arises the need of proper vocational guidance and vocational education for them .The youths of today are bewildered and aimless because of the indefiniteness of their vocation. Therefore the strong need of today is to provide job oriented and vocation based practical education to the adolescents. The government,society,parents and the teachers should make their efforts in this direction.

9.     Arranging guidance services

  Lake of guidance creates aimlessness,identifiniteness and restlessness among the adolescents.The adolescents have their problems which need careful attention and proper solution.
Guidance services should be organized in a proper from both inside and outside the schools. There should be well trained guidance workers and personnel.as far as possible,individual guidance should be provided.

   The list of suggestions regarding the solution of adolescents problems and the satisfaction of their needs cannot be said as complete with above mentioned few points.The task is gigantic and requires strenuous efforts from all directions.The focus if guidance is always the individual and not the problem.Every adolescent is to be studied carefully as he requires special guidance and help for the solution of his problems and satisfaction of his needs.

Role of the teacher

          The period of transition from childhood to adulthood is called adolescents life.All type of changes biological, social cognitive etc.Take place during the adolescents stage.Teacher can do a lot of help to adolescents to develop a balanced personality.Teacher should have responsibility of guiding the development of adolescent of personality.There are 3 ways in which a teacher can help adolescence in developing his balanced personality

1.     Teacher shouldunderstand their problems and help to solve them.
   Today the problems and anxieties of adolescents are growing larger day by day. They can not solve these problems without help of others. Teacher should play a role of friend and philosopher and guide to provide help to adolescents. As a friend teacher should present him /herself to adolescents as a role model as a person.
                     As a guide,teacher should provide them information’s which parents refuse to give and which in society is not easily available to him. Specifically it means providing sex education and career education.
          Teacher can build interest club,hobby club,subject club or activity club according to the needs of the students. Students should be put according to their interests.
                 As for example, if some students have gardening as a hobby then we can make a hobby club of those students who link gardening as a hobby. Teacher should play a role of guide in these clubs.

2.      Teacher should be an ideal person for them.

      As we know that every student wants to imitate the actions of his/her teacher.So a teacher should present an example of ideal person to their students.As for adolescents,they face the changes of childhood.at this time many physical changes are found in them.
                                At this time they can attract towards opposite sex due to their changes feeling.Here teacher should present his ideal life.so that students could learn from the life of his/her teacher.Teacher should behave positively and affectionately to them and teacher should show the practical use of human values in his/her own life.
                                   If teacher only speaks verbally about human values and does not follow them in his/her own life he/she cannot expect from adolescents to acquire them if their lives so teacher should present and make his personality balanced first and then try developing a balanced personality in adolescents.

3.     Teacher‘s help in cognitive development.

            Many important cognitive developments occur during this time.Weseal capacity andstyle of though broadness,awareness,imagination,judgment insight in adolescents.

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